Saturday, May 26, 2012

Health Made Easy – Kick A Cold

When it comes to my sinuses, I think it's safe to say I'm “built cheap”, if I'm not actively involved with my health it's easy for me to become sidelined by seasonal sniffles. Now that June is right around the corner, I'm preparing ahead of time for the inevitable summer cold. There are some pretty simple strategies for relief and since they work so well for me, I'm going to share with you so you can feel better also.

  • Turn Down The AC – Who doesn't love a nice, cool, air-conditioned room? My sinuses, that's who, and probably yours too if you're feeling miserable. Turn down the AC just a smidge, all that cold air can dry the protective layer of mucus in your nose which prolongs unnecessary suffering. If you insist on running the AC, then bolster your poor nostrils with an over-the-counter saline spray, or my personal favorite, a neti pot, to maintain precious moisture.
  • Sip Chicken Soup – It's okay to sip it at room temperature if it's just too hot for soup, the broth will hydrate you while the salt soothes your sore throat.

Been doing all this for over a week and you're still not feeling beachy-keen, get thee to a doctor, stat!