Friday, March 25, 2016

Someone Had to Say It – Clear Signs You're Chilling With a Loser

Losers, deadbeats, parasites, sponges, and life-suckers come in all shapes and sizes. The distinction of being a loser isn't something that's designated to just one gender. Trust me, I have known just as many deadbeat ladies as spirit-crushing dudes.

The information I'm about to share isn't directed to men or women in particular. Seriously, I have no desire to bash one gender or the other. I love everyone, which is why I think you deserve better than the loser you could be hanging with right this very minute. If you think you might be involved with a loser, look for these clear indicators.

How to Spot a Loser at Ten Paces
Anger Issues – Losers hate pretty much everything and fly off the handle at the smallest provocation. Tiny little details become reasons for major meltdowns in the mind of a loser, and this eventually starts to taint the relationship if you're rushing to soothe your friend's fragile nerves before the inevitable explosion. If the idea of being in the same room with your buddy leaves you feeling paranoid, tense, or otherwise stressed out, chances are their hot temper has reached loser proportions.
Super Clingy – Losers form attachments ridiculously fast. They go from “Nice to meet you” to “we have to do everything together, all the time!” with a quickness that seems rushed and uncomfortably rapid. When they start demand exclusive rights to your time and attention from that point on it's a good sign you'll want to create some distance. Otherwise, your loser buddy will see to it that everything becomes an opportunity to monopolize your time and separate you away from other responsibilities and interests.
Hates Your Whole Circle – Losers will find something wrong with every member of your family, every single one of your friends, and all of your co-workers. Even the ones they've never even met before! So much so that you will either be forced to disengage with your circle of support, or drop the loser. Unless you want to constantly defend yourself every time you go to work, call your mom, or have lunch with someone other than your loser, my suggestion is to drop the loser.
No Ambition – Losers will find a way to invite you out for a lunch date, then conveniently realize that they've forgotten their money at home right around the same time the bill arrives. Once or twice is a mild inconvenience. But if your bank account is steady draining because some loser in your life is sponging your funds, it's time to evaluate the dynamics of your relationship. Likewise, if your pal has no career goals, or purpose for living aside from constantly seeking your attention, it could be time to raise your standards.

Change is Possible

Just because someone might be a loser now doesn't mean they are destined to stay that way forever. Change is possible, but it has to occur from within. You're never going to change the loser in your life, they have to do that on their own. Cut your ties early, before the situation becomes abusive, and be happy for the peace of mind.