Friday, April 29, 2016

The Spaces in Between – Learning to Enjoy Silence and Solitude

I'm a pretty laid back and relaxed kind of gal. For the most part I'm content with my solitude, but that wasn't always the case. I'm a homebody and a hermit, yes, but there was once a time when the thought of dining in public alone was a cause for panic.
With some time, practice, and deliberate stretching of my comfort zone, I've come to find so much peace with my own company that not only has my alone time become fulfilling, my relationships are more rewarding as well. I no longer need the company of another to make me feel complete. Better yet, when enjoying the company of another, I no longer feel the need to fill the air with useless noise. I'm able to simply enjoy the comfort of their company, even if we're sitting side by side in blissful silence.
Though it may seem like a challenge, obtaining this sort of serenity really isn't so difficult. Here's a few methods that helped me grow comfortable in my own skin.

Celebrate Your Independence

  • Count Your Blessings – Sometimes, when we get all caught up in the noise that's banging around in our heads, it can be tempting to listen to the nagging voice of insecurity. It's at these times that we become most vulnerable to self-sabotage in the form of counting all of our past disappointments. This ugly cycle only leads to stress, mental-anguish, and depression.
    Switch things up by using this time to count your blessings. Write down a few things that happened during the day to make you feel grateful or optimistic. To really boost the signal on your blessings, share this good news with your friends over Facebook or Twitter. Sharing the things that make you genuinely smile causes others to genuinely smile too. It's like a yawn, totally contagious.
  • Let it Be – We can't be all things to everyone, even though it might sound nice to be regarded as the savior of the day. Truth is, the need to control every last detail, or have a handle on matters which are beyond your reach gets to be really exhausting. Chances are there may be someone else who is equally qualified to handle one of your many tasks, let them do it and don't complain when their approach is different. Instead, be thankful that you've been given a chance to focus on more pressing matters like relaxing and enjoying life. Let someone else take the wheel once in a while, and enjoy the view for a change.
  • Enjoy Your Company – Now that you've got all sorts of free-time on your hands, what the heck are you supposed to do to fill the hours? The simple answer is: have fun! Ask yourself what you want to do, and then get out there and do it. Want to wear funky socks, curl up under the covers, and read a trashy romance novel? Okay! Doesn't a bowl of ice cream and a few hours of nail art tutorials on YouTube sound positively awesome? Treat yourself!
  • Build a Sanctuary – If you're having trouble relaxing in your personal space because it feels more like a prison than a paradise, it may be time for a little make-over. A fresh coat of paint, a few scented candles, even a simple rearranging of the furniture can really breathe new life into a room and make it feel more special.