Sunday, May 20, 2012

Don't Let A Breakup Hurt Your Health

Ever notice how we tend to celebrate when one of our friends gets divorced? What about those folks who break up with someone after living together for several years, they go through all the same post-breakup anxiety, suffering all the same physical and mental consequences as the recently divorced, where's their parade? Plenty of researchers have proven beyond a doubt there is no difference in physiological complaints between the recently divorced and the recently split.
All this emotional trauma can take a major toll on your immune system. Depression associated with the end of a relationship can increase the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. We've all seen the effects of a population operating with high cortisol levels – the entire country is obese and our current generation of children won't outlive their parents, for the first time in a very long time, but that's another rant for another day. To stay healthy during a split, try some of the following suggestions:
  • Eat Carefully – Your appetite is likely to kick into top gear, so rather than reach for the cool, soothing mush of yet another pint of premium ice cream, make sure what you eat is healthy and high in quality.
  • Slow Down – Your body is in a fragile state, slow down just a little and get plenty of rest. Naps rule.
  • Reach Out to Friends – There's no reason to forge through this time alone, stay connected with your friends and family for the emotional support you need and deserve.
  • Find Emotional Balance – It's healthy to vent! Purge those feelings by talking to someone or writing it down in a journal, experience the emotion and move on, rather than dwelling and festering in negativity.
  • Don't Let Yourself Go – It may be tempting to slip into your comfy jammies and hide from the world for a while as you slowly pack on the pounds. A little bit of jammy indulgence is fine, just remember that your appearance can and will effect your self-esteem.
  • Add Some Color – Even though your spirit may be black, leave your doom and gloom garments alone for a while, color is a natural spirit lifter, so reach for something bold and bright.
Breakups take time to get over, it's the death of a relationship so do take the time to experience the various stages of mourning, just don't become a crazy cat lady in the process. You're a champion, treat yourself with some care and you'll be back at fighting weight in no time!  After all, Ivana Trump said it best when she advised, "looking good is the best revenge."