Thursday, January 28, 2016

Does That Ever Work? - Pick Up Lines that Fall Flat

Every time I go out with my gal pals we can count on at least one person trying to flirt with us. Not that I'm complaining, the positive attention and compliments are nice. Flirting is fun, I love that stuff!

There are occasions, however, when flirtation takes a sharp turn into Creeperville. Nothing can ruin an oceanside lunch date with the ladies quite like a lecher who doesn't know when to cut his line and cast his bait into more promising waters. Guys, I say this because I care. I want to see you be successful in the dating scene. Even if you're looking for a quick fling, there are some more graceful ways of getting your point across.

Flirtation Strategies With a Very Low Chance of Success
  • Any Sort of Grunty Animal Noise – Look dude, we know what you're after - it's written all over your face. Literally. Me and all my girlfriends saw you look us up and down before you started licking your lips and grunting husky, “hot damns” in our direction. What you're considering a compliment is actually pretty skeevey. We don't like it. In fact, we'd like it if you would please stop. Better yet, go away.
  • Begging – Most times I would say that a persistent attitude will pay off in the long run. However, if your idea of persistence is to hound me for attention and sexual favors, I'd really rather be alone. Begging has probably paid off in the past as some women have given in to stop the increasing levels whining. Even worse is begging me, then begging each of my friends, then begging all of us at the same time (ewww!). That doesn't really make you a suave pick-up artist.
  • Cheesy Cliche Lines - “Hey baby, what's your sign?”, “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”, and other over-played pick-up lines are just worn-out and tired. Sure, they might be good for a laugh-inducing ice-breaker, but that's only if you've got the confidence and wit to carry the rest of the conversation without resorting to canned humor.

Keep It Simple, Stupid
Start with hello. Follow up with a friendly introduction and a confident hand shake. Seriously, it's as easy as that. Do all of this with a sincere smile and there's a good chance you've made yourself a new friend. Whether this will lead to sex or marriage remains to be seen, but it's such a rarity among pick-up methods that it's bound to be get someone's attention.

What are some of the worst pick-up lines you've ever heard? What's the worst line you've ever tried? Leave it in the comments! 

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