Friday, June 8, 2012

Food Tip – Eat Your Water

If you're like me, you find it difficult to drink eight glasses of water a day, as recommended by health professionals. No need to fear, those same health professionals know water can be found in some of our favorite foods. The even better news is eating water-filled foods may aid your weight control efforts by helping you to feel full.
I really can't stress enough the importance of water for overall health and wellness. Our bodies lose about 10 8-ounce glasses worth of water per day, just from the random activities life, such as breathing, sweating, and passing wastes – consuming water-filled foods can easily replenish five of those lost glasses.

Best food sources for water:
Fruit Juices (100% please!)

It won't hurt you to drink more than the recommended 8 per day, just know that when you're sweating profusely from an especially rigorous workout you may need extra replacement water, so bring some apple slices along for the ride.